Bouncing Jungle

Bouncing Jungle


Overall Dimension: 12.5 ft (L) X 11.5 ft (D) X 7.5ft (H)
Overall Dimension: 381cm (L) X 350.5cm (D) X228.6cm (H)
Net Weight: 43.5 lbs
Maximum Weight Capacity: 300 lbs
Recommended Age: 3 to 10 years old
Suggested Number of Players: 5

Categories: ,

General User's Instructions

Restrict the number of users on the inflatable at the same time to the limit in the operator manual or on the unit label.

Don't exceed the user height limit and keep bigger users separated from smaller ones.

No shoes, No food inside.

People should not wear shoes or glasses, and should empty their pockets of all sharp or dangerous items.

Anyone obviously intoxicated should not be allowed on.

Don't allow users to climb or hang on the walls.

Regularly check that anchor points are still secured.